Monday, July 27, 2009

Politics and the Pure

Okay, so I know that some people are driven even by their religious leaders, to become political activists. To me, this is of course a completely strange situation. I do not mind people having strong opinions, but I don't like to have them shoved in my face. I don't like to debate or argue. I don't like those contentious feelings that seem to attend debate of the nature, and yet, these Religious Zealots LOVE to STAND UP/argue and push their opinions into the faces of people who are peacefully trying to keep their conflicting personal political opinions to themselves. Yes, I tend to talk about political things here, but I definitely do not force any one to read this.

Yes, all week as Rush Limbaugh continues to TRASH our President Elect, exclaiming his SURETY for failure, it makes me want to shake him like a rag-doll. Can people really be so far up their own asses that they cannot see how insanely off base and idiotic their statements are? I guess so...